About Our School
Penn Beach Elementary School
Grades 4 and 5
96 Kansas Road
Pennsville, NJ 08070-3000
Phone: 856-540-6200
Fax: 1-856-351-5742
School Hours:
4th/5th Grade Students Enter School: 8:05 - 8:20AM
Full Day: 8:20AM - 2:50PM
1/2 Day: 8:20AM - 12:50PM
Pre-K Students, Full Day: 9:10AM - 3:10PM / 1/2 Day: 9:10AM - 1:10PM
Pennsville School District
Donald Palmucci
856-540-6200 ext 7305
Penn Beach School
Nicole Warrington
856-540-6200 ext 7613
"Where Children Come First"

Our School Vision
Penn Beach Elementary School will always be a positive learning environment and safe-haven where ALL students are challenged to their highest potential in order to develop a lifetime love for learning and become valuable citizens in their community and world.
The Mission of Penn Beach School is to improve student achievement and responsibility through the building of self-esteem. Through a variety of instructional techniques, we will utilize each student's individual learning styles and strengths. Penn Beach will develop a collaborative partnership with parents through practical strategies that promote individual and group success without lowering high expectations.
PowerSchool Single Sign-On Instructions
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
Safe Bicycle Riding in New Jersey (please review if your child rides his/her bike to school)
Penn Beach School is committed to developing positive partnerships with parents!
School-wide Positive Behavior Supports Core Values