About Our School
Valley Park Elementary School
Grades Pre-K thru 1st
63 Mahoney Road
Pennsville, NJ 08070-2358
Phone: 856-540-6200 Fax: 856-351-5705
K-1 School Hours: 9:10 am - 3:40 pm
PK School Hours: 9:10 am - 3:10 pm
Principal Bobbie-Ann Fordham
Principal Valley Park School

Pennsville School District
Donald Palmucci
856-540-6200 ext 7305
Valley Park Elementary School
Adrienne Davis
856-540-6200 ext 7845
Title 1 School-Parent Compact
Parent Involvement
Welcome to the Valley Park Elementary School. This elementary school is one of the three elementary schools located in Pennsville. It has a staff of about 45 and a student body of about 320.
The mission of the Valley Park Elementary School, working together with the parents and the community, is to develop the skills and character necessary for children to meet the challenges of the future. The three main categories of our mission are academic, social, and personal. The building blocks of these categories are:
ACADEMIC: to develop critical thinking skills used in reading, writing, listening, speaking, mathematics, science, social studies, and special subject areas.
SOCIAL: to develop character traits such as the acceptance of others, honesty, sharing, respect, empathy, and making appropriate choices.
PERSONAL: to develop a positive self-image, self-confidence, self-management, motivation, responsibility, and a positive attitude towards learning.
Students are expected to put forth their best effort in all that they do.