Good morning PVMS Families, Student Success Center is set to make its return next Wednesday 10/11 and will run every Monday & Wednesday for the duration of the school year. Additionally, Birds Eye Family Success Center will have tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday night from 6-7pm. This means that your child will have access to extra help every Monday-Thursday throughout the school year! Please see the link below for the October schedule for our Student Success Center. Any questions, please let us know!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Student Success Center is back on 10/11.  It will run every monday and wednesday
Birds Eye Tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday from 6-7pm
On behalf of the Renaissance Team, I would like to congratulate the student and staff winners for the PMHS Renaissance Spotlight Award for the month of September! 9th grade: Marissa Dowell 10th grade: Kylie Harris 11th grade: Riley Bowman 12th grade: Amanda Ridenour Staff: Anthony Vorndran
about 1 year ago, Alicia Busillo, PMHS Assistant Principal
There will be no school on October 6 and 9 for teacher in-service and Columbus Day. Have a great long weekend!
about 1 year ago, Bobbie-Ann Fordham
PMHS Renaissance Programs kicks off the Week of Respect! We are "Marvelous & Magnificent!" Remember to be kind to yourself and others! We are having a schoolwide anti-bullying poster contest. All entries are due to Ms. Busillo by Thursday, October 5th! Have a great week and remember to smile!
about 1 year ago, Alicia Busillo, PMHS Assistant Principal
Week of Respect Photos for Poster with students and staff
Week of Respect Photos Students in Front of Poster
Happy October & Happy Homecoming week!! Athletic Events and Student Activities for the week of October 2nd. Our 5th PMHS Hall of Fame class will be inducted at our ceremony this Thursday, Oct. 5th in the David Dilks Aud. Meet & Greet at 6pm, followed by the ceremony at 7pm.
about 1 year ago, Jamy Thomas
Go to for full schedules.
Go to for full schedules.
Go to for full schedules.
Movie night sponsored by the Pennsville Education Foundation Thursday, October 5. Admission is free. See flyer for details.
about 1 year ago, Tracy Turner
Movie Night Under the Stars. Enjoy free admission for a fun filled family night featuring the movie Elemental on the football field at Lou D’Angelo stadium on William Penn Ave.Thursday October 5. Gate opens at 6:30 p.m. Movie starts at 7:00 p.m. sharp. All Pennsville students and their families are invited. Cost is free.The snack shack will be open selling concessions. Cash only. Return this form to your children’s school if you plan on attending.
Valley Park's “Week of Respect” will be observed next week, October 2-5. Students will participate in various age appropriate character education lessons and activities. Students can also participate in special themed dress up days. Please see information sent home via your child's SeeSaw or Dojo class communication system , on VP's newsletter, or contact your child's teacher. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Bobbie-Ann Fordham
Please join us at family night with Reggie Dabbs October 3 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the PMHS Auditorium.
about 1 year ago, Tracy Turner
Family Night Reggie Dabbs October 3 from 6 to 7 p.m. PMHS auditorium. Free of charge. Back by popular demand Reggie Dabbs has been speaking to students in public schools for the past 30 years and is considered to be one of the top public speakers and saxophone players in America. Please join us free of charge for this powerful presentation dealing with unparalleled pressures and struggles as well as how teaching better choices can lead to future successes.
"Be Present to Win" -Student Code of Conduct-Vaping Policies *Any student who is in the bathroom when the vape detector goes off, will be considered in violation of school policy and subject to be searched and appropriate discipline action according to Pennsville BOE policy 5131.6. 1st offense: 2 days in detention/learning center from 2:25-4:25 and completion of the Dangers of Vaping Resources Packet and referral to Student Assistance Coordinator 2nd offense and after: 2 day suspension and referral to Student Assistance Coordinator Please view the vape sensor and vape information letter: Thank you in joining our efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle.
about 1 year ago, Alicia Busillo, PMHS Assistant Principal
PVMS Families, A few announcements, please see the images attached to this post as well School Wide Spirit Week. We will celebrate Week of Respect with a school-wide Spirit Week (October 2nd - October 6th). Each day will be celebrated by themed clothing. MONDAY- RESPECT FOR OTHERS WEAR: BLUE Blue Shirt Day is a time when we ask everyone to wear a blue shirt and join together in solidarity to stop bullying and cyberbullying on the first Monday of each October. TUESDAY-RESPECT YOURSELF WEAR: PINK OR RED WEDNESDAY- RESPECT YOUR SCHOOL WEAR: SCHOOL COLORS- BLUE & GOLD OR SPIRIT WEAR THURSDAY- RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT WEAR: GREEN FRIDAY- Teacher inservice, no school
about 1 year ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
PVMS Picture Day 10/4
Movie Night 10/5
Vo Tech Open House 10/18
spirit week 10/2
Valley Park's Apple Day is tomorrow, September 26th! Please see information sent home from your child's teacher for more information. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Bobbie-Ann Fordham
Congratulations to the PMHS Class of 1973 who kicked off their 50th Reunion Weekend with a tour of PMHS prior to being recognized at the football game on Friday night. Thanks to PMHS 2019 graduate Austin McCoy for capturing the event with some fantastic drone shots.
about 1 year ago, Matt McFarland
1973 50th reunion pics
1973 50th reunion pics
1973 50th reunion pics
1973 50th reunion pics
Class of 73 key
Class Key Legend - states, class keys are made by each class and given to the principal at graduation.
PMHS Athletic Events for the week of Sept 25th. Be sure to check for schedule updates. #GoEagles
about 1 year ago, Jamy Thomas
weekly schedule for 9/25 - part 1
weekly schedule for 9/25 - part 2
weekly schedule for 9/25 - part 3
Thursday, 9/21 is Picture Day at Valley Park! Pictures can be ordered online or ordered on the form that was sent home. Please contact your child's teacher for more information. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Bobbie-Ann Fordham
Mark your calendars for these important events at PMHS for the 2023-2024 school year.
over 1 year ago, Matt McFarland
List of events for the 2023-2024 school year
Happy 2023-2024 School Year! This is just a reminder our school theme for this year is "Be Present to Win." Attendance Matters! Here is a review of our attendance guidelines...(full attendance policy can be found on our online Student Handbook under the page “Attendance Policy and Rules”) Attendance: Medical notes are the ONLY excused absence that will NOT count towards truancy, extra-curricular activities, and/or credit denial/grade promotion. Notes written by parents of students who are ill, still count towards their total number of absences. Excessive absenteeism is anything that goes over 14 days of either excused and/or unexcused absences. Once a student reaches a total of 10 unexcused and/or excused absences they will receive a letter from administration outlining the consequences of exceeding the acceptable limit. At a total of 15 absences either excused or unexcused students will be denied access to extra/co-curricular activities, in addition to possible credit denial/possible grade retention. In addition students who are deemed excessively tardy with 20 lateness or more to school will receive the same consequences as described for excessively absent. Attendance Extra/Co-Curricular Activities: All students who wish to participate in an extra/co-curricular event/activity MUST be in attendance the day of or preceding the event. Students are not permitted to be dismissed early the day of the prom. The only expectation would be for a medical note. Students who have been suspended, have been determined to be excessively absent (as described above), and/or excessively tardy will not be permitted to participate in the following activities: Any dance - Including Homecoming and Prom. Field Trips – Including the Senior Class Trip All sports and/or clubs (all extra-curricular activities) Students who attend extra and co-curricular events must be in academic good standing and have no suspensions for one calendar month prior to the extra/co-curricular event. Truancy Charges: Truancy charges will be filed with the municipal court at 10 unexcused absences for all students ages 16 and under according to state law. Students will need to complete credit completion for unexcused days exceeding 14 days in order to regain credit for courses they are passing. Please provide doctor’s notes for any medical issues (within 10 days following the absence). Lateness: Students who are late to school must report to the main office to get a pass. Students will receive an administrative detention for every 5th lateness they receive throughout the school year. Any student who is late 6 times to a class period will be written up for an administrative detention. Truancy Charges will be filed with the municipal court at 20 times late to school, for all students ages 16 and under. In addition, all students who exceed 20 times late to school will be reviewed by the attendance committee, students may be denied credit for excessive time out of class, even with a passing grade--students MUST report to school on time.
over 1 year ago, Alicia Busillo, PMHS Assistant Principal
PMHS Athletic Events for the week of 9/11. Please be sure to follow for all schedule updates. Today, we remember the innocent lives that were taken on this day 22 years ago. #PatriotDay #NeverForget9/11 #GoEagles
over 1 year ago, Jamy Thomas
weekly schedules for the week of 9/11
weekly schedules for the week of 9/11
weekly schedules for the week of 9/11
Remembering 9/11 photo of Pentagon
PMHS Athletic events for the week of 9/4. Welcome back to our staff and students this week!! All of our teams will be in regular season action at various points this week. #GoEagles
over 1 year ago, Jamy Thomas
schedules for week of 9/9 part 1
schedules for week of 9/9 part 2
schedules for week of 9/9 part 3
Parents & Students - SCHOOL STARTS ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th! Our theme for this year at PMHS is "BE PRESENT TO WIN". Check your email for details on the opening day schedule and other important information to make sure your year is a complete success. See you next Thursday!
over 1 year ago, Matt McFarland
Page1 of Opening Day letter - check email for full letter
Page 2 of opening day letter
Page 3 of opening day letter
Page 4 of opening day letter
PMHS Athletic Events for the week of 8/28. Our last week of the summer. Team and Individual Photo Week (8/30). Please be sure to follow for full schedules and updates. #GoEagles
over 1 year ago, Jamy Thomas
Weekly schedule for the week of 8/27 - Part 1
Weekly schedule for 8/27 - part 2