Student Success Center is cancelled for today Monday 3/10. We apologize for any inconvenience
about 18 hours ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
8th Grade Parents, Please join me next Wednesday, March 12 at 6pm in the PMHS auditorium for the Incoming Freshman Parent Info Night.
8 days ago, Matt McFarland
Go Birds, PVMS is doing an Eagles Spirit Week for the remainder of this week leading into Super Bowl 59!! Please encourage your students to show their Eagles pride as we get fired up for the Big Game. Thanks and GO BIRDS!!! 🦅🦅🦅
about 1 month ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Super Bowl 59 - Eagles Spirit Week
Good Morning PVMS Families, Please see the attached image for a Spirit Week Next week for the Great Kindness Challenge. As a reminder, Monday is a Staff In-Service Day here so students do not have school. Spirit Week begins on Tuesday! Thanks - we hope everyone has a great weekend and GO BIRDS!!! 🦅🦅🦅
about 2 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
GKC Spirit Week
The Eagles are back in the NFC Championship Game on Sunday at 3pm. Let's show our support by wearing our Eagles gear tomorrow! Have a great day!
about 2 months ago, Kevin Mulhern
Eagles Day tomorrow - 1/24
Good Morning PVMS families, Welcome to December! Please see the attached images for our December Spirit Month. For Spirit Days - Face painting is fine - but: Is to be done before coming into school. Students should not be missing class to paint faces in the bathroom! Students' entire face cannot be covered in face paint due to various concerns: Allergic reaction; sensitive skin; skin irritations; touching face and getting in eyes; paint running off etc. **All items worn are to be dress-code appropriate. Thanks and see everyone tomorrow. GO BIRDS !
3 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
December Spirit month days
december spirit month days
Good Morning PVMS families, Welcome back!! Volleyball Club will be beginning tomorrow in the MS Gym after school until 3:15PM. Students can sign up for Volleyball Club with Mrs. Efelis using the link below. Please contact Mrs. Efelis ( with any questions! Also - please see the attached image about a Thanksgiving Food Drive that we are doing this month. We are looking for canned goods to donate. The Eagle Period class with the most donations will win a prize for their class!! Thanks and have a great day !
4 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Thanksgiving food drive
Volleyball club begins Wed. 11/13 in the gym
LAST CALL for Race for Education Donations! We will be accepting online donations through Saturday 11/2 at Noon. We have multiple classes that need under $100 to reach their class goal to be awarded the Silent Dance Party! If you haven’t shared your student’s webpage out, it’s an easy way to help the CLASS reach their goal!! If you haven’t created your students page to donate and share here is the link: Thank you! PV ED FOUNDATION
4 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Good Evening MS Parents!Tomorrow, Friday 10/25 is our Annual Race for Education! All students will participate in this event out on the track. We are asking that each family create a student webprofile on our fundraising platform and share it with 3 friends or family members. If each Middle schooler collects just $13 by Nov 2nd, we will reach our goal! And every class will get an invite to the SILENT DANCE PARTY!!!HERE IS THE LINK, to create your child's personal webpage under their A day 1st Period teacher: me with any questions, you,Lisa DowellPresident, PV Ed Foundation
5 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Please see the images for participation in Spirit Week for School Violence Awareness week next week. School Picture make ups are next Friday 10/25 as well. Have a great weekend !
5 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
School Violence Awareness Week & Other Notes
school picture make ups friday 10/25 in the library
Good Morning PVMS Families, This week is the Week of Respect. Please see below info about Spirit Week that was sent by our counseling office to students on Friday. Let's have a great week ! MONDAY- RESPECT FOR OTHERS: WEAR BLUE Blue Shirt Day is a time when we ask everyone to wear a blue shirt and join together in solidarity to stop bullying and cyberbullying on the first Monday of each October. TUESDAY- PEACE, LOVE & RESPECT YOURSELF: WEAR TIE-DYE WEDNESDAY- NO SWEAT TO RESPECT OTHERS: WEAR ATHLETIC ATTIRE THURSDAY- RESPECT YOUR SCHOOL: WEAR SCHOOL COLORS- BLUE & GOLD OR SPIRIT WEAR
5 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Good Morning PVMS Families, School Pictures are Ready! View and order at PENNSVILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL Event Code: FE129824 Images are secured using the email address(es) that we have at the school
5 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Good morning PVMS families, Please see the attached image and link below for information about ordering yearbooks. Orders are due by 10/25 and can be done through the link below. Any questions please contact Mr. Barbato ( or Mrs. DiAntonio ( Thanks and have a great Friday!
5 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
yearbook ordering information.  $30 payment due on 10/25
Good Afternoon, Two quick announcements The first dance is scheduled for Thursday 10/10 in the PVMS Cafeteria from 7-8:30PM. Entry is $5 per student PVMS Picture Day has been scheduled for Friday September 27th which is an A day. Pictures will be taken in gym class - students that do not have gym class on A day will be called down by their elective class. Jostens (the picture company) will send out a link to your email 2-3 days prior to the 27th if you're interested in ordering pictures - so be on the lookout for that! A few notes, please make sure your student does not wear green that day as there is a green backdrop. Picture makeups will take place on Friday 10/25. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! Thanks and have a great afternoon.
6 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
october dance on thursday 10/10 from 7-8:30 in cafeteria
PVMS Families, The following message was sent out to all students this afternoon. We encourage students and staff to join us in remembrance of the victims of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks. Have a great evening. PVMS Students, Tomorrow is “Patriot Day,” a day to commemorate the victims of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. Students are encouraged to wear red, white, and blue to honor their memory. Participation is optional, but please consider joining us as we remember and honor those we lost. 🇺🇸 Dr. Slusher & Mr. Mulhern
6 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Patriot day - students are encouraged to wear red, white, and blue tomorrow 9/11
PVMS Families, Please see the document below for information about our Back to School Night being held on Wednesday night @ 6pm. Please note that we respectfully request that students do not attend Back to School night as it is intended for parents and teachers. Thanks and we will see you on Wednesday night! Dr. Slusher & Mr. Mulhern
6 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
back to school night wednesday at 6pm starting in PVMS cafeteria
Good Afternoon, We just wanted to give a quick shoutout to all students, parents, teachers, staff, and stakeholders for making this first week of school go smoothly ! With a new schedule on top of all of the normal back to school anxieties, we got off to a positive and energetic start here at PVMS! Thank you to everyone that made it possible! This is also a friendly reminder that our Back to School Night is scheduled for this Wednesday coming up, September 11th, and will begin in the cafeteria at 6PM. At that time, there will be a brief presentation with Mr. Mulhern and I in the cafeteria, and then we will send everyone out to go through you child's schedule. We look forward to seeing and welcoming as many of you as we can on Wednesday. Thanks again to everyone for a great first week, have an awesome weekend ! Dr. Slusher & Mr. Mulhern
6 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Thank you for an amazing opening week at PVMS !
Back to school night is wednesday 9/11 at 6pm beginning in the MS cafeteria
Good evening PVMS Families,Our staff was in classrooms today and will be tomorrow in preparation for welcoming our students here on Thursday and we couldn't be more excited to get the year started. In anticipation of the school year starting on Thursday, I am resending the letter below that was sent out a few weeks back as a reminder for some of our procedures. note: Thursday and Friday are full days of school (7:35am - 2:13pm) and we will begin with an A DAY ON THURSDAY. Friday will be a B day and we will flip back and forth between A and B day for the remainder of the year. Thursday 9/5 - A dayFriday 9/6 - B dayMonday 9/9 - A dayTuesday 9/10 - B dayWednesday 9/11 - A day (BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT! 6PM)Thursday 9/12 - B dayFriday 9/12 - A dayAnd so forth!Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or Mr. Mulhern. All of us here at PVMS are excited to have students back on Thursday and are very much looking forward to it!! Have a great night.Dr. Slusher & Mr. Mulhern
6 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Good Morning PVMS 6th Grade families, This is a friendly reminder that the voluntary 6th grade orientations are scheduled for this Thursday 8/22 (Last names: A-K) and for next Thursday 8/29 (Last names: L-Z) Orientations will start in the cafeteria at 10am. After about 10 minutes or so in the cafeteria, students will then be able to walk their schedules in the hallway. We will leave the building open for walking through schedules until about 11:30am If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or Mr. Mulhern. Thanks and we hope to see you there !
7 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
Good Morning PVMS Families, Please see the attached welcome letter. Mr. Mulhern and I are getting excited to start the 24-25 school year. Should you have any questions in the coming weeks as we get closer, please feel free to email us or contact the main office. Take care and continue enjoying your summers !
7 months ago, Dr. Adam Slusher
pvms welcome letter